
The issue of 'First Person Singular' of Japanese literature

The issue of 'First Person Singular' of Japanese literature It is the title of a collection of short stories from Murakami Haruki, published last year (2020 and 2021 in English). He didn't say anything about its linguistics of 'First Perso…

文部省教科書「民主主義」をフリー公開しました。epubでも読めます。 wisteriafield.jp

A new interpretation is needed for the Bullet Cluster. It will show the unnecessity of Dark Matter. These two galaxy clusters A & B collided recently (150 million years ago). B is the Bullet Cluster. It is said that this Bullet Cluster pro…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkAZvctQHzU&list=RDnkAZvctQHzU&start_radio=1 Chabuca limeña( Manuel Alejandro) Acompañada por estos dos grandes músicos Julián Andrés Olarte Mondragon mi hijo mayor y mi gran amigo gran músico vallecaucano M…
